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CAISO Approves Step 1 of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Straw Proposal

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 13, 2024

Approval marks a significant development for the West, says Advanced Energy United

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) approved the first step of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s straw proposal. Step 1 of the straw proposal increases the independence of the existing CAISO real-time and day-ahead markets’ governance by providing more autonomy to the existing Western Energy Market Governing Body.

Leah Rubin ShenManaging Director at Advanced Energy United, a national business association, issues the following statement:

“CAISO approving Step 1 of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Straw Proposal is proof that Western energy market governance can evolve to be more inclusive and responsive to the broader region’s needs. The Pathways Step 1 proposal marks a significant step toward a more integrated and unified regional energy market in the West. The broader energy market facilitated by today’s decision will tie together diverse clean energy resources from the Northwest to the Southwest, improving power grid efficiency and reliability, and lowering costs for consumers.

Step 1 increases the independence and regional representation of the existing CAISO real-time and day-ahead markets. Today’s decision bolsters confidence and anticipation for the Pathways Step 2 proposal, expected later this year, that would enable a new Regional Organization to govern western energy markets and eventually a single regional transmission organization, designed by the West, for the West. CAISO’s approval and the continued support from regional entities across the West demonstrates a shared commitment to regional collaboration.”

Click here to learn more about our work advocating for a West-wide RTO and learn more about the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative by clicking here 

Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California