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California Passes Landmark Bill to Prevent Energy Affordability Crisis as Californians Transition to Clean Buildings

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 31, 2024

Senate Bill 1221 passed the California legislature, and now awaits Governor’s signature.

SACRAMENTO, CA— The California legislature passed a groundbreaking, first-in-the-nation Senate Bill 1221, sponsored by Senator David Min, that will enable state-supported projects to affordably transition to clean buildings. The bill now awaits Governor Newsom’s signature.

The bill directs the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to create an equitable and coordinated approach to cost-effectively transition away from costly natural gas infrastructure by decarbonizing priority neighborhoods via pilot projects. The bill reinforces the state’s utilities’ obligations to provide reliable and affordable service to ratepayers.

Advanced Energy United’s California lead Edson Perez, says, “With unstable gas prices, expensive investments in gas infrastructure, and increasingly volatile weather that makes planning tougher, California is hurtling toward another energy affordability crisis. SB 1221 presents an opportunity to meaningfully and thoughtfully advance the state toward its climate goals and help residents transition away from a system destined for significant cost increases and towards a clean, reliable, affordable building future.”  

The bill’s pilot projects are designed to help disadvantaged, low-income, and environmental justice communities access clean home appliances and clean indoor air. This legislation will also create jobs, as deploying energy efficiency, electric appliances, and thermal energy networks requires a clean energy workforce of electricians and contractors who can install and maintain advanced building technologies.  

Advanced Energy United urges Governor Newsom to sign this bill to reinforce the state as a national leader in implementing a thoughtful approach to the state’s transition to affordable, reliable, clean buildings for all Californians.

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United’s work in California.

Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, California