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Savannah Gribbins

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Dominion Doubles Down on Fossil Fuels in Integrated Resource Plan

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Oct 16, 2024

Dominion Energy’s newly filed Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) sidesteps Virginia’s clean energy requirements by relying heavily on fossil fuel generation through 2039

RICHMOND, VA – Despite Virginia's ambitious clean energy mandates under the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA), Dominion has proposed adding nearly 6 gigawatts of new methane gas generation, while failing to prioritize the renewable investments necessary to meet the state's goals. National business association Advanced Energy United criticized the approach. 

"Dominion Energy’s latest IRP is a step in the wrong direction. Instead of harnessing the potential of advanced energy to more reliably and cost-effectively meet Virginia’s growing energy needs and clean energy goals, this plan threatens to keep the state dependent on fossil fuels for decades,” said Shawn Kelly, a Director at Advanced Energy United. “Dominion is missing a critical opportunity to lead Virginia’s clean energy transition, protect households and businesses from rising costs, and provide more resilient clean energy solutions for all Virginians."

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Topics: Regulatory, Virginia, Press Releases

Legislators Get a Ride on Pennsylvania’s New Electric School Buses

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Oct 1, 2024

Joint statement from Pennsylvania Electric School Bus Coalition and Representative Brandon Markosek on school bus ride-alongs for HB1542 

HARRISBURG, PA – Pennsylvania legislators got to experience the future of clean energy firsthand today, courtesy of the Steelton-Highspire School District’s electric school bus fleet, recently acquired using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean School Bus Program funding.  

Advocates and legislators urged Pennsylvania House leaders to pass legislation to fund a statewide electric school bus grant program to expand access to these cleaner, cheaper, and healthier transportation alternatives. Legislation that would create a new electric school bus program, HB 1542, has already passed out of committee, but now faces the crucial step of being brought to the House floor for a vote. 

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Topics: Press Releases, Pennsylvania, Electric Vehicles

Short-sighted Decisions Threaten Virginia’s Clean Energy Future

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Sep 12, 2024

Orange County Board of Supervisors Block Solar Development and Progress on VCEA Goals

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – Today, Advanced Energy United and Virginia State Senator and Chair of Senate Commerce and Labor Committee Creigh Deeds responded to Orange County’s board of supervisors' decision blocking solar project development, including a 1,000-acre Sunfish Solar installation. The decision threatens Virginia’s ability to meet its clean energy goals established by the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). 

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Topics: Virginia, Press Releases

New Jersey Legislators Respond to Potential Massive Utility Rate Increase

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Sep 11, 2024

Electricity capacity prices skyrocketed 900% in latest auction 

TRENTON, NJ –Today, New Jersey Assembly Members James Kennedy, Andrea Katz, Robert Karabinchak, and David Bailey released a joint statement on the 900% price increase announced last month by New Jersey’s electric grid operator, PJM. Prices in their annual capacity auction rose over 900 percent from $28.92 per megawatt-day to $269.92. By the end of 2025, New Jersey ratepayers will likely see electricity bill increases of as much as 29 percent.

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Topics: Press Releases, Transmission, New Jersey

Maryland Legislators Respond to Potential Massive Utility Rate Increase 

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Aug 16, 2024

Electricity capacity prices skyrocketed 900% in latest auction 

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Today, Maryland State Senator Ron Watson and Maryland Delegates Adrian Boafo, Lorig Charkoudian, David Fraser-Hidalgo, and Natalie Ziegler released a joint statement on the skyrocketing electricity prices announced last week byMaryland’s electric grid operator, PJM. Prices in its annual capacity auction rose over 900 percent, from $28.92 per megawatt-day to $269.92. The price increase was most significant in Maryland, rising to $466.35. Next June, most Maryland ratepayers will likely see electricity bill increases well over 30 percent.  

These prices are driven in large part by the grid operator’s years-long issues in getting more generating resources connected to the grid. At the end of 2023, PJM had 3,309 projects – mostly solar and battery storage – waiting to connect to the grid and provide cheaper power to the region. PJM earned a national-worst “D-” in a recent scorecard from Advanced Energy United of all grid operator interconnection processes earlier this year, with developers forced to wait longer in PJM than any other region in the country. These clean energy projects together have enough capacity to replace all the generation currently operating in the PJM system, even after planned fossil fuel plant retirements. Because of this backlog, new renewable projects cannot even apply to bring power to Maryland consumers until 2026.  

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Topics: Advanced Transportation, Press Releases, Transmission, Maryland

Rhode Island Gov. McKee Signs Energy Storage Act into Law

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Jun 27, 2024

Bill sponsors Sen. Euer and Rep. Handy join Advanced Energy United in applauding landmark moment for Rhode Island

PROVIDENCE, RI – Last night, Governor Daniel McKee signed the 2024 Energy Storage Systems Act into law, a landmark moment in Rhode Island's journey to a 100% clean energy future. Led by Senator Dawn Euer and Representative Arthur Handy, the Act puts Rhode Island’s energy system in a strengthened position.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Kat Burnham, Rhode Island

Rhode Island Powers Up: New Energy Storage Legislation to Transform Grid

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Jun 14, 2024

Rhode Island’s General Assembly passed the 2024 Energy Storage Systems Act last night

PROVIDENCE, RI – Advanced Energy United, the national clean energy business association, celebrates the passage of the 2024 Energy Storage Systems Act. This landmark legislation, passed last night, marks a pivotal step in Rhode Island’s journey toward a resilient, 100% clean electricity future.

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Topics: Press Releases, Kat Burnham, Rhode Island

Gov. Youngkin's Clean Cars Rollback Will Limit Virginians' Choices for New Vehicles

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Jun 5, 2024

Governor's action echoes other moves to obstruct the General Assembly 

RICHMOND, VA — Today, Virginia’s Governor and the Office of the Attorney General announced an opinion that suggests that Virginia is not obligated to comply with the newest update to Advanced Clean Car Standards. This announcement runs counter to a statement by Attorney General Miyares in 2022 and is a willful misinterpretation of the legislation passed in 2021 

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Topics: Virginia, Press Releases, Electric Vehicles, Kim Jemaine

New York Budget Includes Steps Forward on Transmission, Missed Opportunities on Energy Affordability 

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Apr 20, 2024

Transmission policies key for achieving NY’s broader clean energy goals 

ALBANY, NY— Today, the New York legislature passed a state budget which included transmission policies that should help the state meet its clean energy goals. National business association Advanced Energy United highlighted how the Renewable Action Through Project Interconnection and Deployment (RAPID) Act could help streamline and improve transmission project siting, via shifting oversight of those projects to the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES), and shifting ORES to the Department of Public Service. 

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Topics: Press Releases, New York, Transmission, Kristina Persaud

Grid-Enhancing Technologies Bill Passed in Virginia

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Apr 6, 2024

H.B. 862, a bill to advance grid-enhancing technologies, was signed into law last night by Gov. Glenn Youngkin

RICHMOND, VA – Last night, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed a grid-enhancing technologies bill into law after it passed the General Assembly with bipartisan support. H.B. 862, proposed by Del. Phil Hernandez and endorsed by national business association Advanced Energy United, will improve grid reliability and increase the capacity of the existing grid to keep up with the Commonwealth’s growing energy needs. 

The bill requires that electric utilities in the state consider grid-enhancing technologies (GETs), a suite of technological upgrades that could add 30-40% more capacity to the current grid and save the Commonwealth money on grid congestion costs, in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process.  

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Topics: Advanced Transportation, Press Releases, Kim Jemaine, Transmission