AEE: Revised Clean Power Plan Rule Proposed by Trump's EPA is Costly, Favors Aging Power Plants
New proposal focuses on investments in old plants, ignores market-based approaches, proven cost-effective emissions reductions of advanced energy technologies that states could pursue
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 21, 2018 — Today national business group Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) released this statement reacting to a Trump Administration proposed rule to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's legal obligation to regulate reductions in carbon emissions:
"When it comes to our nation's electricity, the Trump Administration seems to favor options that cost more and provide less. Though legally obligated to control pollution from the nation’s power sector, EPA proposes to set emissions standards based only on costly upgrades at aging, inefficient power plants. This command and control approach unfairly favors obsolete technologies and ignores the proven cost-effective emissions reductions that can be achieved by readily available advanced energy technologies," said Malcolm Woolf, senior vice president for policy at national business group Advanced Energy Economy. "In contrast, a market-based approach that takes full advantage of cost-competitive advanced energy resources would not only deliver far deeper emission reductions but give states numerous other benefits: lower costs, greater reliability, technological innovation, and economic growth in the advanced energy sector, which already employs over 3.4 million Americans.”
About Advanced Energy Economy
Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) is a national association of businesses that are making the energy we use secure, clean, and affordable. Advanced energy encompasses a broad range of products and services that constitute the best available technologies for meeting energy needs today and tomorrow. AEE’s mission is to transform public policy to enable rapid growth of advanced energy businesses. AEE and its State and Regional Partner organizations are active in 27 states across the country, representing more than 1,000 companies and organizations in the advanced energy industry, which now employs 3.4 million U.S. workers. Visit AEE online at www.aee.net and follow the latest industry news @AEEnet.
Media Contact:
Monique Hanismhanis@aee.net, 202-391-0884