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AEE Applauds Florida Senate Passage of EV Charging Infrastructure Bill

Posted by Monique Hanis on Mar 6, 2020

TALLAHASSEE, March 6, 2020 — Today, national business group Advanced Energy Economy reacted to Florida Senate passage of SB 7018, a bill that directs the Florida Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Florida Public Service Commission, Office of Energy, and relevant stakeholders, to develop a “Master Plan” for electric vehicle infrastructure expansion. The Senate vote was 38-0.

"We congratulate Senator Tom Lee on the unanimous passage of Senate Bill 7018 to develop a statewide plan for the expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure along the State Highway System and review other regulatory changes needed to maximize the benefits of electric vehicles to Floridian consumers and businesses,” said Dylan Reed, Director with Advanced Energy Economy. “Regulatory certainty for electric vehicle charging infrastructure will unlock investment in the state and make Florida a national leader on transportation electrification.

“We look forward to the Florida House of Representatives passing this legislation and sending it to the Governor for his signature.”

Background Resources

  • SB 7018 bill language, amendments, votes, latest action is here.*
  • Report: 2019 Florida Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet
  • Blog: “In Florida, Legislators Hear about Jobs, Savings, and EVs from AEE and Member Companies”

*AEE offers free, complimentary access to its PowerSuite online platform tracking all federal and state energy legislation and regulatory filings to credentialed media. Sign up for a free trial and contact Monique Hanis ( for permanent access.

About Advanced Energy Economy
Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) is a national association of businesses that are making the energy we use secure, clean, and affordable. Advanced energy encompasses a broad range of products and services that constitute the best available technologies for meeting energy needs today and tomorrow. AEE’s mission is to transform public policy to enable rapid growth of advanced energy businesses. Engaged at the federal level and in more than a dozen states around the country including Florida. AEE represents more than 100 companies in the $238 billion U.S. advanced energy industry, which employs 3.5 million U.S. workers. Learn more at, track the latest news @AEEnet.

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