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Advanced Energy United Applauds New Measures to Protect Coloradans from High Gas Costs, Creates National Model for Overcoming Gas Rate Hikes

Posted by Adam Winer on May 11, 2023

Colorado Senate Bill 23-291 introduces a series of reforms to strengthen regulatory oversight of utility spending and future gas system investments

DENVER, CO, May 11, 2023 – National business group Advanced Energy United commended Governor Polis for signing Senate Bill 23-291 into law today, authorizing practical reforms to utility regulation and building upon existing gas planning improvements.

“This is a timely bill in a year that has laid bare the impact of volatile nature gas prices on all consumers,” said Emilie Olson, Colorado state lead at Advanced Energy United. “We thank Governor Polis, Senate President Fenberg, and the legislature for stepping up to shield customers from high gas bills now and in the future, and responsibly limiting the kinds of things utilities can make their customers pay for."

The law ends a process by which ratepayers were subsidizing gas hookups for new customers. It also requires an assessment of gas infrastructure stranded asset risk, and looks at new rate-setting tools to share fuel risk between customers and investors and make high-efficiency electric alternatives more accessible and affordable. These reforms go hand-in-hand with the foundational work state regulators are already undertaking to align gas utility infrastructure and plans with state emissions reduction goals and support electrification.

This bill will help make Colorado’s energy system more affordable long-term, and should be seen as a model for states across the country on how to manage high gas prices and a transition to cost-saving alternatives to gas, like high-efficiency heat pumps, rooftop solar and battery storage,” added Olson.

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United’s work in Colorado advocating for clean energy and electrified transportation.

Topics: Press Releases, Colorado, Emilie Olson