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Advanced Energy Industry Calls on Congress to Build Back Better in 2022

Posted by Adam Winer on Dec 21, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC, December 21, 2021 – National business association Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) continues to advocate in favor of the federal budget reconciliation legislation commonly known as the Build Back Better Act, and today released the following statement on behalf of its federal policy director Leah Rubin Shen: 

"Advanced energy technologies support hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs across the country and are helping to power America’s economy, but if the United States is going to make a timely transition to 100% advanced energy and own the 21st century energy economy, we need Congress to act. Congress and the Administration have come too far in developing a set of incentives that will grow American jobs, decarbonize our energy sector, and protect ratepayers to give up on them nowIt is essential that Congress return in January to find a way to deliver on the popular promises of the Build Back Better Act.

"The advanced energy provisions of the Build Back Better Act will bring down costs for middle-class families while creating new jobs in advanced energy and the American automotive industry. Refundable tax credits will allow companies and job providers to move more quickly on clean energy projects. American manufacturers already have a foothold in advanced energy and transportation. Increasing support for manufacturing, as the Build Back Better Act proposes, will help scale domestic supply chains for these and other advanced energy technologies, like offshore wind and solar as well as batteries and home heating and cooling technology.

"With Congress yet to take action, states must continue to take legislative and regulatory action to accelerate their transitions toward a carbon-free economy, including leveraging the funding of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). With 20 states committed to 100 percent clean energy, the energy transition is well under way, bringing the benefits of advanced energy technologies to their residents. But only Congress can bring those benefits to all Americans."

AEE is delivering roadmaps for state decision-makers with guidance on how to implement new federal funding from the IIJA, and will be working with state and federal policymakers to bring clean energy benefits to communities across America. Click here to download the toolkit. 

Background Materials 

Topics: News Update, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Federal Priorities