A Toolkit to Help Make the Most of the Federal Home Energy Rebates

Posted by Harry Godfrey on Sep 28, 2023 12:33:27 PM

A guide to maximizing the IRA efficiency & electrification rebatesThe Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contained a variety of incentives, grants programs, and policies to help catalyze not only the growth of clean generation, but also energy efficiency and building electrification. Among the notable measures in the landmark law were a pair of residential rebate programs - the Home Efficiency Rebates and the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Programs – for which the IRA provided $8.6 billion.

Now, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is prepared to begin allocating these funds out to all 50 states and tribes across the country, to help them provide upfront rebates on efficiency projects, new heat-pump HVAC systems, smart electric panels, and more. While Congress and DOE have attached some requirements to these funds, state energy offices (SEOs) are responsible for designing specific rebate programs. They will decide which households receive rebates, which technologies they finance, and how the rebate programs serve larger public policy goals.  

To help states navigate the application process for these funds, and design effective programs, Advanced Energy United and Rewiring America teamed up to produce a new guide: “Making the Most of the Federal Home Energy Rebates.” Informed by the experience and expertise of companies, advocates, and industry experts working in the efficiency, electrification, and distributed energy resource (DER) space this guide is crafted to help states serve low- and moderate-income consumers while also spurring a larger market for residential efficiency, electrification, and DERs broadly.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities

NJ Utilities Should Bring Ambition to Efficiency and Demand Management

Posted by Michael D'Angelo on Sep 20, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Leveraging Energy Efficiency, Strategic Electrification and Peak Load Reduction in NJHow quickly and efficiently New Jersey can transition to a 100% clean energy future depends in no small part on how the state’s utilities implement energy efficiency and demand management guidance recently issued by New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities (BPU). At the end of July, the BPU voted 4-0 to approve an Order that largely implements Staff’s Straw Proposals on the 2nd Triennium of Energy Efficiency and Peak Demand Reduction Programs (Triennium 2), an every-three-year regulatory proceeding that defines the scope of utility demand side management programs. Triennium 2 has the potential to foster economic development in New Jersey, increase grid reliability and flexibility, and lower utility bills for residents by leveraging advanced energy technologies and services. However, the promise of these programs is in the hands of the state’s utilities. The NJ BPU designed Triennium 2 in a way that provides utilities with significant leeway to determine how aggressively and ambitiously to implement these programs. To maximize the guidance in this Order, utilities should make significant investments in the three areas covered by Triennium 2: electricity reduction measures, building decarbonization programs, and peak load demand-response initiatives. 

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Topics: Regulatory, Energy Efficiency, New Jersey

The Future of Heat in Buildings Has Policymakers Reconsidering How We Plan Natural Gas Infrastructure

Posted by Sarah Steinberg on Nov 2, 2022 3:00:00 PM

BLOG GRAPHIC 2022 As building electrification accelerates new gas investments get risky

2022 has been a banner year for clean energy, with several important policy, market, and geopolitical drivers shifting the conversation. Electric building heating technologies are no exception and as the use of natural gas declines in response to these trendlines, a lot remains “TBD” on how to transition away from the fossil fuel. Because the decisions we make today will lock in infrastructure and costs for decades, state policymakers are beginning to reexamine the way we plan and pay for the use of gas in buildings today. They need new tools, and AEE is here to help. 

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Topics: Regulatory, Energy Efficiency, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington, Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Colorado, Federal Priorities

On #EEDay2022, Even More Reason to Put Energy Efficiency to Work

Posted by Tom Lewis and Sarah Steinberg on Oct 5, 2022 9:00:00 AM

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Every year, on the first Wednesday of October, we celebrate the low-profile powerhouse of the advanced energy sector: energy efficiency. The annual Energy Efficiency Day (#EEDay2022 on social media) serves as a reminder that efficiency upgrades – however big or small – work year-round to lower bills, improve grid efficiency, enhance the resilience of our communities, reduce reliance on fossil fuel energy, and create local jobs. Energy efficiency touches everyone in their homes, at their jobs, and in their schools, and will become ever more important as we upgrade our transportation and buildings to high-performing, clean technologies like electric cars and heat pumps. Efficiency is also key for keeping us cool during extreme heat and warm during severe cold without straining the grid or our pocketbooks. Now, there’s more reason than ever to cash in on the value of energy efficiency, thanks to landmark legislation passed by Congress.

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Federal Priorities

Getting More from Less with Demand-Side Resources

Posted by Sarah Steinberg on Sep 21, 2022 11:30:00 AM

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Extreme weather. Spiking natural gas prices. Peak levels of electricity use that push the grid to its limit. Our energy system faces a growing set of challenges, and our utilities and their regulators have to make big infrastructure and investment decisions today to solve those challenges. But even with a growing number of advanced energy technologies and solutions available – including those on the demand-side – many electric utilities just want to build more natural gas-fired power plants. We think there is a better way. Here’s how utilities – and one utility in particular – can use rates, incentives, and technology to manage energy use and save customers money.

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Topics: State Policy, Utility, Energy Efficiency, Indiana



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