ADVANCED FUEL PRODUCTION: Ethanol Drops Sharply as Hydrogen Gets a New Look

Posted by Bob Keough on Jun 2, 2021 9:30:00 AM

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This post is the fifth in a series of excerpts from the Advanced Energy Now 2021 Market Report, prepared for AEE by Guidehouse Insights.

Advanced Fuel Production took a bit hit in 2020. Global revenue fell to $184.3 billion, following its highest year on record in 2019 at $221.8 billion. The United States experienced an even steeper revenue decline, down 38%, to $33.6 billion. This drop was largely due to volatility in Ethanol and Butanol revenue, which fell sharply in the U.S. in 2020 (47%) following 101% growth in 2019. Hard hit by COVID-19, U.S. ethanol consumption fell from 15.8 billion gallons in 2019 to 13.7 billion gallons in 2020. The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for Global Advanced Fuel Production revenue over the 2011-2018 period was 6%, while in the United States CAGR was -3%.

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ADVANCED ELECTRICITY GENERATION: Wind Powers 10% Revenue Growth in 2020

Posted by Bob Keough on May 24, 2021 4:00:00 PM

This post is the fourth in a series of excerpts from the Advanced Energy Now 2021 Market Report, prepared for AEE by Guidehouse Insights.

At $384.4 billion, Advanced Electricity Generation is the largest advanced energy segment globally and the second largest segment of the U.S. advanced energy market, at $39.8 billion. Global revenue fell 10% from 2018 to 2019 and stayed largely flat (down less than 1%) in 2020, but this weakness masks significant growth in solar in 2019 and wind in 2020. In the U.S., advanced generation revenue has grown in each of the past two years and was up 10% overall in 2020, with solar and wind both up in 2019 and wind growing dramatically last year.

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Topics: Advanced Energy Now Market Report

ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION: 2020’s Fastest Growing Market Segment is Driven by Sales of Plug-In Electric Vehicles

Posted by Bob Keough on May 17, 2021 4:00:00 PM

This post is the third in a series of excerpts from the Advanced Energy Now 2021 Market Report, prepared for AEE by Guidehouse Insights.

Advanced Transportation was the third largest advanced energy segment worldwide in 2020, with an estimated $318.9 billion in revenue, with 15% growth from 2019 to 2020, highest of all segments. Globally, Advanced Transportation revenue has grown at an 18% CAGR since 2011. Driving much of this growth is the recent boom in plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) sales. Global PEV revenue has grown at a staggering CAGR of 59% since 2011, reaching $120 billion in 2020. Outside of a year in 2018, PEV revenues have grown by at least 25% every year, with most years registering over 60% annual growth. Since 2011, U.S. Advanced Transportation revenue has grown at a compound annual rate of 17%. As with global markets, surging PEV sales have driven overall Advanced Transportation revenue upward, reaching nearly $37.7 billion in 2020.

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BUILDING EFFICIENCY: Residential Energy Efficiency, Smart Appliances Drive 5% Growth in U.S.

Posted by Bob Keough on May 10, 2021 4:00:00 PM

This post is one in a series of excerpts from the Advanced Energy Now 2021 Market Report, prepared for AEE by Guidehouse Insights.

Over the past decade, Building Efficiency has remained a consistently reliable growth segment for advanced energy globally and in the United States. Global Building Efficiency revenue reached $341.7 billion in 2020 after growing 5% in 2020 and 9% in 2019. In the United States, Building Efficiency revenue grew to $94.5 billion, up 5% in 2020, following an increase of 9% in 2019. Over the period 2011-2020, Building Efficiency revenue grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11% globally and 10% in the U.S., counting only products for which we have data for all years.

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Topics: Advanced Energy Now Market Report

OVERVIEW: U.S. Advanced Energy Revenue Showed Growth in Advanced Vehicles, Building Efficiency, Storage, Wind Energy

Posted by Bob Keough on May 3, 2021 4:00:00 PM

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This post is one in a series of excerpts from the Advanced Energy Now 2021 Market Report, prepared for AEE by Guidehouse Insights.

Advanced energy revenue reached over $1.4 trillion worldwide in 2020, growing by 2.5% over 2019, following 7% growth the year prior. Advanced energy revenue is now greater than pharmaceutical manufacturing globally, and double that of coal mining. In the United States, advanced energy revenue had a strong year in 2019, growing a robust 18%, before falling 2% in 2020, in parallel with the decline of U.S. GDP overall. Still, at $240 billion, U.S. advanced energy revenue is close to that of food and beverage stores and twice the revenue of electrical equipment and appliances. Since 2011, U.S. advanced energy revenue has grown at CAGR of 5%.

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Topics: Advanced Energy Now Market Report



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