Top 10 State Legislative Issues of 2022

Posted by Robert Haggart on Jun 8, 2022 11:00:00 AM

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Since the start of this year’s legislative sessions, Advanced Energy Economy has been tracking energy legislation across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Congress through its online PowerSuite platform. PowerSuite provides policy tracking by policy professionals. In the process, we have identified several trends in how states are contemplating the future of their energy, transportation, and building sectors. The bills described in this post, which range from simply introduced to fully signed into law, by no means represent every bill in the country filed this year, but are rather indicative of the attention being devoted to each topic by lawmakers. What follows represents the top 10 state energy legislative issues of 2022.

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Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation, Virginia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Maine, Nebraska, Tennessee, Maryland, Wyoming, Connecticut, New Jersey, West Virginia, Idaho, Washington, Hawaii, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, South Dakota, New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Illinois

In PJM, Renewable Energy Projects Are Getting Stuck

Posted by Jeff Dennis and Kat Burnham on Feb 10, 2022 11:00:00 AM

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Like anyone in construction, renewable energy developers are all too familiar with process hurdles and delays. But patience wears thin. In the vast PJM Interconnection region stretching from DC to Illinois, a huge pool of solar, wind, and battery storage projects are stuck in the grid operator’s Interconnection queue, often waiting years for technical and cost studies and final approvals needed to connect to the grid. This usually behind-the-scenes issue moved to center stage this month when PJM proposed a dramatic step: a two-year pause on formally accepting new interconnection applications so that the grid operator can focus on speeding up delayed projects and clearing some of the backlog. That pause will come with much needed improvements to PJM’s processes to speed up future interconnection requests. Those improvements won’t solve all the problems with PJM’s interconnection process, but they are a good start, and they can’t come soon enough.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, Federal Priorities



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