An historic investment of $7.5 billion in federal funds for EV charging is on its way, headed for the states. This federal funding, from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) passed by Congress and signed into law in November, will make it easier for state and local policymakers across America to accelerate the electric transportation transition and meet emissions reductions goals they have set for themselves. It will also pave the way for further growth of the more than 15,000 EV-related businesses in the U.S., with tens of thousands of Americans relying on the electric transportation industry for their livelihood. The time is now for states to set themselves up to make the most of this opportunity.
States Need to Get Ready for EV Infrastructure Dollars
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Ryan Gallentine on Feb 3, 2022 10:30:00 AM
Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation, Illinois, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities