Moving the Needle on Distributed Energy Resources and Virtual Power Plants in Nevada

State-Level Siting and Permitting Reform Policy Principles

Regulatory Approaches for a Cost-Effective Gas Transition: Ratemaking, Incentives, and Other Tools

On the Road to Fleet Electrification: A Framework for Estimating Distribution System Impacts of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Electrification

Quantifying the Impacts of Building Electrification in Illinois

Advanced Energy United Generator Interconnection Scorecard

Bringing Resilience and Reliability Full Circle

Economic and Environmental Impact of Governor Shapiro’s “30 x 30” Alternative Energy Pledge

Saving Hoosiers Money on Indiana’s Vehicle Fleet

A Regulator’s Blueprint for 21st Century Gas Utility Planning

Public Service Company of Colorado ERP Phase II: Assessment of Clean Energy Alternatives to New Natural Gas Peaker Resources

Interconnection Reforms for New England’s Grid

Moving Through the Interconnection Queue: How a Project Gets Built—or Doesn’t

Making the Most of the Federal Home Energy Rebates

Consumers Energy Gas Bill Impact Analysis

FERC Order 2023 Toolkit: Highlights from the First Leg of the Transmission Reform Marathon

America's Electric Grid Reliability Fact Sheets

Survey of Likely General Election Indiana Statewide Voters

ERCOT 2040: A Roadmap for Modernizing Texas’ Electricity Infrastructure

Advanced Energy Now 2023: Global and U.S. Market Revenue 2011-2022 and Key Trends in Advanced Energy Growth

Assessment of Clean Energy Alternatives to New Natural Gas Resources: Part 2

Unleashing Michigan's Advanced Energy Future: Federal Resources to Combat Inflation, Create Jobs, and Achieve Energy Independence

Saving Taxpayer Money on Florida’s Vehicle Fleet: Total Cost of Ownership Survey and Savings

Assessment of Clean Energy Alternatives to New Natural Gas Resources: Duke Energy Indiana Combined Cycle Project

Unleashing America's Advanced Energy Future: Federal Resources to Combat Inflation, Create Jobs, and Achieve Energy Independence

Job Opportunities in Advanced Energy: High-Growth Occupations for Workers of All Backgrounds

Unlocking the Energy Transition: Federal Action and State Opportunities

Understanding FERC’s Proposal for Relieving Interconnection Delays

Indiana Opportunities for Demand-Side Resources

2022 Advanced Energy Employment Fact Sheets

Advanced Energy Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act

Economic Impact of Advanced Energy Investment From the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act

Western RTO Economic Impact Studies

Indiana Green Tariffs Fact Sheet

Clean Hydrogen's Role in an Advanced Energy Economy

Accelerating Electric School Bus Adoption for Grid Reliability and Community Resilience

Getting Capacity Right: How Current Methods Overvalue Conventional Power Sources

Reaching for the Cloud: Solutions for Regulatory Parity for Cloud Services for Utilities

FERC Order No. 2222 Implementation: Preparing the Distribution System for DER Participation in Wholesale Markets

Advanced Energy Infrastructure: A Roadmap for Implementation

Building an Electric Transportation Supply Chain in the United States: State Level Reports

Building an Electric Transportation Supply Chain in the United States: National Report

Advanced Energy Manufacturing: An Economic Opportunity for the United States

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for America

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Transportation Electrification

FERC Order No. 2222 and the Use Cases It Can Unlock

2021 State Employment Fact Sheets

Electrifying New York: Economic Potential of Growing Electric Transportation

2021 National Jobs Fact Sheet

Electrifying California: Economic Potential of Growing Electric Transportation

Electrifying Illinois: Economic Potential of Growing Electric Transportation

How to Optimize Energy Efficiency Benefits in Wholesale Markets

Advanced Energy Now 2021 Market Report

Principles for Reforming Capacity Markets to Meet State and Customer Clean Energy Goals

AEE 2021 Stimulus Priorities

Organized Wholesale Markets and Corporate Advanced Energy Procurement

2021 State Legislative Sessions Calendar

Advanced Energy State Economic Impact Reports

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for Florida

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for Arizona

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for Pennsylvania

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for Nevada

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for Illinois

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for Colorado

Opening the Door to DERs

Economic Impact of Stimulus Investment in Advanced Energy for California

2020 Pennsylvania Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2020 Illinois Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2020 Florida Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2020 Colorado Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2020 Arizona Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

NO QUICK FIX: Why ‘Fixed Resource Requirement’ is Not the Best Way for States to Protect their Energy Choices

2020 New Jersey Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2020 Indiana Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Actions California Can Take to Stimulate Economic Recovery

Electric Transportation Supply Chain in Pennsylvania

Map: States with 100% Clean or Renewable Energy Goals

2020 Advanced Energy Employment Fact Sheet

COVID-19 Impact on Advanced Energy Companies

AEE Open Letter to Congress and the White House on COVID-19 Impact, Response, and Economic Recovery

AEE Western Wholesale Market Principles

Opportunities for Meeting Commercial and Industrial Demand for Renewable Energy in Indiana

Understanding FERC's 'Minimum Offer Price Rule' Order

Opportunities for Meeting Commercial and Industrial Demand for Renewable Energy in Florida

Advanced Energy Legislative Activity - 2019 in Review

2019 Nevada Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2019 U.S. House Subcommittee Testimony: Building a 100% Clean Economy - Solution for the U.S. Power Sector

2019 California Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Wholesale Electricity Market Policy Briefs

2019 Florida Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Virginia's Energy Transition: Charting the Benefits & Tradeoffs of Virginia's Transition to a 100% Clean Energy Grid

Putting Distributed Energy Resources to Work in Wholesale Electricity Markets

2019 Colorado Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

AEE Files to Intervene in Support of FERC Order on Energy Storage

2019 Indiana Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2019 Virginia Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Electrifying Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Wholesale Market Barriers to Advanced Energy – and How to Remove Them

Advanced Energy Now 2019 Market Report

Renewable Energy Offerings that Work for Companies

AEE National Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

AEE Amicus Brief on EPA Fuel Efficiency Standards

AEE Petition to FERC on ISO New England Issue

AEE Advanced Energy Priorities for the 116th Congress

2018 Indiana Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

AEE Comments on PJM Capacity Market Rules

2018 Michigan Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2018 Illinois Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Advanced Energy Policy Priorities for Michigan

EVs 101 — A Regulatory Plan for America’s Electric Transportation Future

Advanced Energy Roadmap for Virginia

Advanced Energy Roadmap for Florida

2018 Florida Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Advanced Energy Roadmap for Minnesota

2018 Virginia Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Five Ways Congress Can Improve the U.S. Electric Power System

Colorado Advanced Energy Roadmap

2018 Colorado Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2018 California Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2018 Ohio Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2018 Minnesota Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Brattle Group Report: The Cost of Preventing Baseload Retirements

2018 New Mexico Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

2018 Nevada Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Advanced Energy Employs 3.4 Million U.S. Workers in 2018

Nevada's Advanced Energy Roadmap

New Mexico's Advanced Energy Roadmap

Advanced Energy Roadmap for California

Customer Renewable Energy Options in Virginia

Advanced Energy Roadmap for Ohio

Comments to U.S. Trade Representative on Chinese Import Tariffs

AEE Comments to DOE on Sec. 202c Request for Emergency Support of Certain Power Plants

Advanced Energy Roadmap for Illinois

Comments: Carbon Mitigation and Advanced Energy in Virginia

Modernizing U.S. Energy Infrastructure to Grow Our Economy

Potential for Peak Demand Reduction in Indiana

Utility Earnings in a Service-Oriented World

Cybersecurity in a Distributed Energy Future: Addressing the Challenges and Protecting the Grid from a Cyberattack

Advanced Energy Driving the Virginia Economy

Bailout Without Benefit: DOE's Proposed Rule Would Drive Up Costs and Do Nothing to Strengthen the Grid

AEE Testifies Before U.S. House Energy Subcommittee

21st Century Electricity System Issue Briefs

This is Advanced Energy

Making Corporate Renewable Energy Purchasing Work for All Utility Customers: Design Principles for Voluntary Renewable Energy Programs

The Basics of Distributed Energy Resources for a Modern Grid

Electricity Markets, Reliability and the Evolving U.S. Power System

Comments on Pennsylvania's Alternative Ratemaking Methodologies

Comments on Rhode Island's 'Power Sector Transformation Initiative'

Changing the Power Grid for the Better

Comments on Illinois' 'NextGrid' Grid Modernization Study

Giving Virginia Companies What they Want: Renewable Energy Options

Performance-Based Regulation for Pennsylvania: An Opportunity for Pennsylvania to Drive Innovation in the Utility Sector

Advanced Energy Now 2017 Market Report

Economic Potential for Peak Demand Reduction in Michigan

AEE Urges FERC to Make Wholesale Electricity Markets More Competitive

Comments on Minnesota Grid Modernization

Comments on Maryland Grid Modernization

Comments on District of Columbia Grid Modernization

Corporate Advanced Energy Commitments, Path for States to Capture this Growth

Advanced Energy Jobs in Indiana 2016

Recommendations to Presidential Transition Committee

Use of ‘Third-Party Entities’ for State and Federal Implementation of the Clean Power Plan: Issues and Options

Four Paths to Ohio’s Energy Future: Modeling Options for Meeting Electric Power needs in 2030

State Policies to Expand Market Certainty for Energy Efficiency without an Energy Efficiency Resource Standard

Opportunities to Increase Corporate Access to Advanced Energy

Advanced Energy Jobs In Florida: Results of the 2016 Florida Advanced Energy Employment Survey

Comments to FERC on Storage, All Advanced Energy Participation in Markets

AEE Recommendations for 2016-2017 Prop 39 Revenues

Comments to FERC on Technology-Neutral Competition in Transmission Development

Bringing California’s Water-Energy System into the 21st Century

Comment Letter on Interim Successor to Net Energy Metering

Response to the Department of Community Services and Development (CSD)'s Request for Information: Low Income Weatherization Program (2016-RFI-45)

Advanced Energy Jobs In California: Results of the 2016 California Advanced Energy Employment Survey

Toward a 21st Century Electricity System for CA: Four Key Opportunities

Comments on the Draft Cap and Trade Auction Proceeds Second Investment Plan

A Performance-Based Approach to Allowance Allocation for Clean Power Plan Compliance

Advanced Energy Now 2016 Market Report

Michigan Market Brief: Corporate Market for Renewable Energy

AEE Comments on the Proposed Federal Plan & Model Trading Rules

This is Advanced Energy 2016

AEE Comments on the Clean Energy Incentive Program

Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Illinois

Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Virginia

North Carolina Market Brief: Corporate Market for Renewable Energy

Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Arkansas

Expanding Missouri's Corporate Renewable Energy Market

AEE Motion to Intervene in Clean Power Plan Lawsuit

Comment Letter on NY REV Ratemaking and Utility Business Models

Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Pennsylvania

Peak Demand Reduction Strategy

Toward a 21st Century Electricity System for California

Cap & Trade Auction Revenues: AEE Comment Letter

CPUC EV Infrastructure Letter

Markets Drive Innovation: Why History Shows that the Clean Power Plan Will Stimulate a Robust Industry Response

Impacts of the Clean Power Plan on U.S. Natural Gas Markets and Pipeline Infrastructure

Competitiveness of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in U.S. Markets

Integrating Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grid: Case Studies Showing How Technologies and Operations are Maintaining Reliability

Advanced Energy in Florida: Industry Size, Trends, and Companies

Design Principles for a Rate-Based Federal Plan Under EPA's Clean Power Plan

NERC's Clean Power Plan 'Phase I' Reliability Assessment: A Critique