Regulatory Approaches for a Cost-Effective Gas Transition: Ratemaking, Incentives, and Other Tools

Posted by Reports on Jun 11, 2024 12:28:03 PM

Publish Date: June 11, 2024

The regulated gas distribution network is undergoing significant transformation due to a combination of market and policy forces. Increasingly, cost-competitive electric heating solutions are leading to decreased gas throughputs in many jurisdictions — a trend expected to accelerate as federal incentives for heating electrification and ambitious state and local climate goals take effect.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization

Quantifying the Impacts of Building Electrification in Illinois

Posted by Reports on May 1, 2024 4:48:14 PM

Publish Date: May 1, 2024

Buildings account for about a fifth of the state’s emissions and the vast majority of buildings in Illinois burn fossil fuels for various appliances. Over 60% of natural gas burned in Illinois happens in buildings, primarily for heating. Therefore, building electrification is a crucial component of Illinois’ clean energy and climate strategy.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Illinois, Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization