Regulatory Approaches for a Cost-Effective Gas Transition: Ratemaking, Incentives, and Other Tools

Posted by Reports on Jun 11, 2024 12:28:03 PM

Publish Date: June 11, 2024

The regulated gas distribution network is undergoing significant transformation due to a combination of market and policy forces. Increasingly, cost-competitive electric heating solutions are leading to decreased gas throughputs in many jurisdictions — a trend expected to accelerate as federal incentives for heating electrification and ambitious state and local climate goals take effect.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization

Quantifying the Impacts of Building Electrification in Illinois

Posted by Reports on May 1, 2024 4:48:14 PM

Publish Date: May 1, 2024

Buildings account for about a fifth of the state’s emissions and the vast majority of buildings in Illinois burn fossil fuels for various appliances. Over 60% of natural gas burned in Illinois happens in buildings, primarily for heating. Therefore, building electrification is a crucial component of Illinois’ clean energy and climate strategy.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Illinois, Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization

A Regulator’s Blueprint for 21st Century Gas Utility Planning

Posted by Reports on Dec 13, 2023 3:47:04 PM

Publish Date: December 13, 2023

The energy sector is in the midst of a profound transition as it shifts away from fossil fuels to renewable energy and a decarbonized economy. As such, natural gas utilities are at risk of stagnating customer growth and declining demand per customer due to competition from cost-effective electrification solutions and decarbonization efforts.

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Topics: State Policy, Energy Efficiency

Public Service Company of Colorado ERP Phase II: Assessment of Clean Energy Alternatives to New Natural Gas Peaker Resources

Posted by Reports on Nov 9, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Publish Date: November 8, 2023

This report, commissioned by Advanced Energy United and written by Strategen Consulting, assesses the proposed resource plan set forth by Public Service Company of Colorado (known by customers as Xcel Energy) in Phase II of their 2021 Electric Resource Plan (“ERP”), commonly referred to as the 120-Day Report. 

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Topics: State Policy, Energy Efficiency, Colorado

Consumers Energy Gas Bill Impact Analysis

Posted by Reports on Sep 18, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Publish Date: September 18, 2023

The Consumers Energy Gas Bill Impact Analysis demonstrates that Michigan utility Consumers Energy’s residential customer gas rates will steadily increase over the next several decades – up to 49% over 2021 levels – due to projected utility capital expenditures and energy efficiency and electrification trends.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Michigan