FERC Order No. 2222 Implementation: Preparing the Distribution System for DER Participation in Wholesale Markets

Posted by Reports on Jan 28, 2022 4:31:00 PM

Publish Date: January 20, 2022

FERC Order 2222 requires exceptional coordination between distribution utilities, RTOs/ISOs, aggregators, and state regulators. This report, from Advanced Energy Economy and GridLab, a non-profit mission-driven electric grid consultancy group, provides a framework for state regulators to navigate key issues as utilities look to improve integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) into wholesale markets in the coming years.

Gleaning insights from an unprecedented coalition of energy utilities, advanced energy companies, and large scale energy buyers, the report includes recommendations and guidance for tapping the full potential of DERs in wholesale markets and ensuring a cleaner, more resilient grid.  

Also included in the report are recommendations to help educate state commissioners, inform the FERC and Regional Transmission Operators/Independent System Operators, and support state policies that increase DER value report outlines multiple use cases, each illustrating the benefits Order 2222 can unlock and how aggregated DER participation in wholesale markets can benefit everyone.  

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Topics: Wholesale Markets

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