Unleashing America's Advanced Energy Future: Federal Resources to Combat Inflation, Create Jobs, and Achieve Energy Independence

Posted by Reports on Nov 15, 2022 4:47:12 PM

Publish Date: November 15, 2022

State decision makers, from Governors and their administrations to utility regulators and lawmakers, are working to address the economic headwinds facing families and businesses – combating inflation, creating jobs, and building an American energy future that’s more affordable, reliable, clean, and independent. With deep roots in their states and communities, these leaders are working to make sure the benefits of this transition – from new jobs and investment to cleaner air and more affordable electricity – flow to those who need them most.  The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) contain a wealth of resources, programs, and incentives to support all this work. 

Understanding these far-reaching federal policies and identifying how the IRA and IIJA can help states achieve their goals - from reducing energy costs, creating jobs, and revitalizing industry to bolstering disadvantaged communities and cutting pollution – can be a daunting task. To help address that task, AEE has developed three guides, tailored to specific decision makers – Governors, regulators, and lawmakers – their capabilities and priorities.

In each guide you will find succinct descriptions and analyses of the tax incentives, programmatic funding, and other policies in the IRA and IIJA relevant to transportation electrification, domestic manufacturing, and the energy transition. Each section of the guide likewise contains key takeaways and clear recommendations, oriented to specific decision makers. We have likewise woven policy briefs and easy-to-grasp examples of these policies in action throughout these guides to help decision makers plan ahead and fully understand the implications of the IRA and IIJA on their states, communities, and constituents.     

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Topics: State Policy, Economic Impact, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities

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