Interconnection Reforms for New England’s Grid

Posted by Reports on Oct 31, 2023 12:38:18 PM

Publish Date: November 1, 2023

The New England grid must rapidly replace retiring resources with new generation to meet future load. However, uncertainty regarding the cost of accessing the grid and delays in interconnection hinder these efforts. The costs imposed on ratepayers by inefficiencies in the interconnection process are so significant that they threaten to prevent New England states from achieving their policy requirements.

To chart a path forward, Advanced Energy United commissioned Daymark Energy Advisors to identify the critical actionsboth immediate and longer-term–that New England must take to unlock the interconnection process.

For New England to achieve the lowest cost energy transition that maintains reliability, ISO-NE must work with stakeholders to improve the interconnection process by (1) maximizing the opportunity for reforms in its FERC Order 2023 compliance filing and (2) addressing forward-looking reforms necessary for efficient interconnection.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

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