Job Opportunities in Advanced Energy: High-Growth Occupations for Workers of All Backgrounds

Posted by Reports on Oct 11, 2022 10:55:51 AM

Publish Date: October 11, 2022

United partnered with the Burning Glass Institute, a nonprofit labor market analytics center, to research jobs in demand by advanced energy employers as manifested in online job postings and applying that analysis to the distribution of new advanced energy jobs on a granular basis, identifying the top job opportunities for those with and without college degrees, what those positions require in terms of education, training, and experience, and the salaries those positions provide.

The report finds that advanced energy offers a wide variety of in-demand positions by which individuals of many backgrounds can gain from the industry’s growth, with or without technical training or experience. Policymakers and industry leaders alike should attend to the workforce needs of an industry that, following passage of the federal Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, is poised to take the United States by storm.

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Topics: Advanced Energy Employment, Economic Impact

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