21st Century Electricity System Issue Briefs

Posted by Reports on Aug 15, 2017 4:34:00 PM

Publish Date: August 15, 2017

The U.S. utility sector has entered a period of foundational change, not seen since the restructuring of the late 1990s. Change is being driven by new technologies, evolving customer needs and desires, environmental imperatives and an increased focus on grid resiliency.

With these developments come challenges, but also new opportunities to create an energy system that meets the changing expectations of consumers and society for the coming decades. We call this the 21st Century Electricity System: a high-performing, customer-focused electricity system that is efficient, flexible, resilient, reliable, affordable, safe, secure and clean.

A successful transition to a 21st Century Electricity System requires careful consideration of a range of interrelated issues that will ultimately redefine the regulatory framework and utility business model while creating new opportunities for third-party providers and customers to contribute to the operation of the electricity system.

To support this transition, Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) has prepared the following issue briefs that are intended to be a resource for regulators, policymakers and other interested parties, as they tackle the various issues arising in the rapidly evolving electric power regulatory and business landscape.

  • Advanced Metering
  • Access to Data
  • Optimizing Capital and Service Expenditures
  • Energy Efficiency as a Resource
  • Performance-Based Regulation
  • Rate Design for a DER Future
  • Distribution System Planning
  • Electric Vehicles

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Topics: PUCs, Regulatory

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