Toward a 21st Century Electricity System for CA: Four Key Opportunities

Posted by Reports on Apr 5, 2016 3:31:00 PM

Publish Date: April 5, 2016

In August 2015, a collaborative led by the Advanced Energy Economy Institute (AEEI) published a position paper entitled Toward a 21st Century Electricity System in California

The position paper outlined a broad vision of how stakeholders in California can work together to achieve the state’s ambitious energy and environmental objectives and was produced by a working group that included representatives of investor-owned utilities (IOUs), the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and more than a dozen advanced energy companies active in California. 

As a follow on to this work, the multi-stakeholder working group produced four issue briefs covering key regulatory challenges and opportunities in California in greater detail.

Specific topics include: 

  • Access to Customer Energy Data

  • Demonstration and Deployment Projects

  • CPUC Regulatory Process

  • Workforce Evolution

Please complete the form to download the issue briefs.

Topics: California Engagement