The Basics of Distributed Energy Resources for a Modern Grid

Posted by Reports on Jul 11, 2017 4:56:00 PM

Publish Date: July 11, 2017

Written in collaboration between Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) Institute, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), and the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), this report presents a reading guide for the modern grid.

Use the contents of this research to help you build a better understanding of key Distributed Energy Resource (DER) issues and opportunities and how DERs have the potential to:

  • Avoid infrastructure investments
  • Improve grid resilience
  • Increase integration of clean energy

What’s inside this report:

  • How different DERs impact distribution and bulk power systems including: energy, capacity, and ancillary services
  • Methodology for developing a thorough DER benefit-cost framework
  • Best-in-class resources for details about DER impact on planning, market design, operations, and oversight

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