Fact Sheet: Electrifying Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Posted by Reports on Jul 16, 2019 12:38:00 PM

Publish Date: July 16, 2019

This fact sheet describes key benefits of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles.

While much industry focus has been on the consumer auto and light-duty markets, new electric bus and truck models are gaining the attention of commercial, municipal, and state fleet operators for their cost and operational benefits.

AEE's Electrifying Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles fact sheet outlines benefits for private and public fleet operators and why they are beginning to incorporate them into their medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (MDV and HDV) portfolios: cost savings, broad market application, performance, and lower emissions to meet sustainability targets. The public also benefits from lower emissions as well as lower average electricity rates and other grid management services.

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Topics: Advanced Transportation

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