Every year, on the first Wednesday of October, we celebrate the low-profile powerhouse of the advanced energy sector: energy efficiency. The annual Energy Efficiency Day (#EEDay2022 on social media) serves as a reminder that efficiency upgrades – however big or small – work year-round to lower bills, improve grid efficiency, enhance the resilience of our communities, reduce reliance on fossil fuel energy, and create local jobs. Energy efficiency touches everyone in their homes, at their jobs, and in their schools, and will become ever more important as we upgrade our transportation and buildings to high-performing, clean technologies like electric cars and heat pumps. Efficiency is also key for keeping us cool during extreme heat and warm during severe cold without straining the grid or our pocketbooks. Now, there’s more reason than ever to cash in on the value of energy efficiency, thanks to landmark legislation passed by Congress.
Tom Lewis and Sarah Steinberg
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On #EEDay2022, Even More Reason to Put Energy Efficiency to Work
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Tom Lewis and Sarah Steinberg on Oct 5, 2022 9:00:00 AM
Topics: Energy Efficiency, Federal Priorities