Mike Haugh

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FERC Order No. 1920: Planning for the Transmission System of Tomorrow

Posted by Mike Haugh on May 22, 2024 2:57:08 PM

Landmark Rulemaking Sets Path for Improved Grid Reliability 2

America has not been building the kind of transmission lines it needs to reliably and cost-effectively power our grid, and a major part of the problem has been our short-term, just-in-time planning process. On May 13, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released Order No. 1920, meant to modernize the transmission planning process by viewing the system through a wider lens to plan for and construct the transmission system we need for the future.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Transmission

Building for the Future Through Improved Transmission Planning & Cost Allocation

Posted by Mike Haugh on Dec 13, 2023 10:00:00 AM

United Urges FERC to Issue New Transmission Rules 2

The United States electric grid is undergoing a transformation and significant changes need to occur for Americans to fully realize the benefits of these improvements. The key is the transmission system. As the federal agency charged with regulating interstate transmission of electricity, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is uniquely positioned to create new rules that better ensure Americans can achieve equitable, affordable access to energy, secure our grid’s future reliability, and accelerate the transition to clean generation and advanced grid technologies. 

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Topics: Regulatory, Wholesale Markets, Transmission



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