Matt Stanberry and Arvin Ganesan

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Supreme Court Stays CPP While Senate Halts Energy Bill

Posted by Matt Stanberry and Arvin Ganesan on Feb 11, 2016 10:32:00 AM


This week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay of EPA’s Clean Power Plan until the pending litigation against the rule is resolved, including any appeal to the high court. This means the rule will be in legal limbo until the Supreme Court rules on the merits of the case. In response to the Court’s action, AEE’s Malcolm Woolf said that while we are disappointed by the decision, which could have a “disruptive and chilling” effect on modernizing our electricity system, “we are witnessing the inevitable rise of better technology designed to meet the energy needs of the 21st century, and we feel confident that, upon full review, the rule will be upheld on the merits.” But what does this mean for our industry, nationally and in the states? 

So, here’s what happened.

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Topics: Federal Priorities



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