On March 16, the New York Public Service Commission quietly adopted a significant advancement in rate design. It did so as a result of a long proceeding on standby and buyback rates, in which AEE argued that owners of distributed generation not eligible for net metering (such as standalone storage facilities and institutions with combined-heat-and-power systems) were being overcharged for the customer-specific components of those rates. While the PSC action seemingly addressed a technical matter, the impact is a big win for advanced energy in New York, as it will lead to new rates much more favorable for a range of distributed energy resources (DERs).
Danny Waggoner
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A Cost-Allocation Win in New York for Distributed Energy Resources
Topics: State Policy, PUCs, Utility, Regulatory, New York
Make or Buy for Utilities: Putting Services and Capital Investments on a Level Playing Field
Image by Stormotion.io, used under a Creative Commons license.
This is the sixth in an occasional series from AEE published in Utility Dive that addresses how the power sector can successfully transition to a 21st Century Electricity System.
Throughout the economy, businesses rely heavily on services to fulfill their needs. In the utility sector, however, the use of services has taken hold more slowly, especially when those services reduce the need for capital investment in their systems. At the heart of the matter is the way utilities recover costs and generate earnings. At stake is faster adoption of modern technology, better service, a more efficient system, and lower costs for customers.
Topics: Utility, Regulatory
Presidential Memorandum Doubles Down on Advanced Energy for Federal Agencies
The White House issued a Presidential Memorandum on Dec. 5 establishing new policies for federal energy management that amount to a significant commitment to the increased use of advanced energy in the Federal Government. How this translates into concrete investments in efficiency, renewable energy, and other advanced energy technologies will ultimately depend on the extent to which agencies implement several of the voluntary provisions of the memorandum.
Topics: Federal Priorities
Zichal: Advanced Energy Companies Need to ‘Connect the Dots’
On November 6, Advanced Energy Economy hosted Heather Zichal, President Obama’s Deputy Assistant for Energy and Climate Change, at a breakfast for advanced energy business leaders, including AEE members. It was one of her final appearances as the President’s closest advisor on issues central to the advanced energy industry’s continued growth. In reflecting on her five years on the job, Zichal said the administration has accomplished more than was expected, but will need help from the advanced energy industry at the state and federal level to meet the challenges of the future.
Topics: Event