The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to develop its first greenhouse gas performance standards for both new and existing power plants under the Clean Air Act. These new GHG standards could increase opportunities for both supply- and demand-side advanced energy technologies to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, depending on the ultimate regulatory design. This is the latest in a regular series of blog posts chronicling important news about these EPA regulations and their development.
At the EPA, Janet McCabe has been formally nominated as EPA’s new air chief. McCabe has served in this role since Gina McCarthy’s confirmation as EPA administrator. Despite the upcoming battle over greenhouse gas emissions, McCabe’s confirmation should be easier now that Senate rules prevent a filibuster on her nomination. McCabe joined EPA in 2009 after running an Indiana nonprofit on children’s environmental health. Prior to that, she was a professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine’s Department of Public Health, and worked in the Department of Environmental Management.