Laura Bartsch

Recent Posts

At Advanced Energy Now | East, Business and Government Leaders Focus on Ways to Drive Advanced Energy Growth

Posted by Laura Bartsch on Jun 20, 2019 11:00:00 AM

AEN East 2019 Patron Barton ONeill-730

Do we really need another conference to talk about energy? On June 13, in Richmond, VA, AEE answered that question with a resounding “yes,” as we launched our first regional policy conference, Advanced Energy Now | East, an event to showcase our members and our systems approach to policy transformation, for the purpose of increasing market opportunities for advanced energy companies. In a day packed with panels and breakout sessions, the more than 170 participants heard government and industry leaders speak on topics of vital interest to companies involved in a wide range of advanced energy technologies.

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Awards Season — Not Just for the Movies

Posted by Laura Bartsch on Mar 7, 2018 1:12:35 PM


Hollywood has the Oscars, the Golden Globes, the Emmys, and more, but the advanced energy industry has its own stars to celebrate, too! With awards season in full swing, last week, we recognized Representative Ryan Costello (R — PA, 6th District) with AEE’s Advanced Energy Leadership Award during Energy Forward: Driving Advanced Energy Growth, our annual gathering of AEE members and state and regional partners, Feb. 27-28. A theme that emerged throughout the two days was the need to more effectively share our stories. Just as the film industry looks to tell stories that make characters relatable, we need to tell stories that connect our industry — and the individuals within it — to the broader economy. We need to boost our ratings by making advanced energy hyper-local, highly relatable and personal.

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Topics: State Policy, Event, Regulatory, Federal Priorities



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