Podcast: Shared Solar

Posted by Tom Plant on May 20, 2013 5:07:00 PM

shared solar pv panelsMany states are considering policies to advance "shared solar" - or large solar PV systems into which multiple customers are invested.  The customer then receives a credit on their bill for their portion of the energy produced from the system, just as if they had a system on their roof. 

Lower costs, increased access and easier participation are some of the reasons this legislation is gaining a strong following across the country.  

In this episode, we talk with Hannah Masterjohn of Vote Solar about the components of successful shared solar legislation throughout the country and some of the lessons learned from states that have implemented shared solar policies.  

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 Additional Resources

NREL Study on Shared Solar

IREC Model Program Rules for Community Renewables

Vote Solar Policy Toolkit for Shared Solar

Information on DC Community Renewables Act of 2012

Links to Legislation: 

DC Legislation

Colorado Legislation (passed in 2010)

California SB 43

Topics: State Policy



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