Advanced Energy United Testifies in Support of Bill To Create a 100% Clean Electricity by 2035 Standard in New Jersey

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Mar 15, 2024 3:15:00 PM

Legislators Consider Codifying NJ’s Clean Electricity Goal

In a rare joint session of the Senate’s Environment and Energy Committee and the Assembly’s Telecommunications and Utilities Committees last week, the future of New Jersey’s energy portfolio was debated. 

At the center of the conversation is a discussion around updating New Jersey’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which requires electricity suppliers to procure 35% of electricity from clean energy resources by 2025, and 50% by 2030. New Jersey is well-positioned for a faster-than-expected transition to 100% clean electricity. 

In line with this momentum, the Legislature is considering Senate Bill 237, which proposes the establishment of the Clean Energy Standard (CES) setting a target of 100% clean energy by 2035. 

Advanced Energy United's Kristina Persaud testified at the joint session this week in favor of S. 237. 

Persaud shared with the committees in part: 

“United firmly believes that the Clean Energy Standard will serve as a catalyst for clean energy businesses in New Jersey. By providing a strong, medium-term policy directive, the bill assures advanced energy companies that the market for their technologies and services will continue to expand in our state. This market certainty is crucial for businesses making investment decisions today about where to focus their resources for the future.” 

United’s full written testimony is available to view and download here. 

While United's testimony focused on our broad support for the CES legislation, there are still outstanding concerns including potential effects on labor and the omission of language that would have limited out-of-state generation. Having advanced to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, United will continue to advocate for this legislation to accelerate clean energy in New Jersey. 

Also being considered this session is a bill to help modernize the state’s electric grid and prepare for an increase in advanced energy resources, like offshore wind. United’s President and CEO, Heather O’Neill, wrote in NJ Spotlight News about some of the policy changes that would help get offshore wind back on track in the state. 

New Jersey is currently one of 23 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with 100% clean energy goals, established by a combination of state-wide laws and executive orders. S. 237 moved out of the Senate’s Environment and Energy Committee on Thursday. 

Learn more about our work advocating for 100% clean electricity and electrified transportation in New Jersey.

Topics: New Jersey, Clean Electricity, Kristina Persaud



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