Advanced Energy Now Employs 4.1M in the U.S.

Posted by Chloe Holden on Oct 24, 2024 3:18:56 PM

Advanced Energy Jobs Surge from 2022 to 2023

The advanced energy sector has experienced significant job growth in recent years, driven by technology advancements, increased investment in renewable energy sources, and supportive government policies aimed at combating climate change by transitioning away from fossil fuels. Investments in solar, wind, electric vehicles (EVs), and battery storage are creating millions of well-paying jobs across the advanced energy sector. As the advanced energy space continues to flourish, the future of the American workforce will evolve as well, contributing to economic development, energy independence, and positioning the U.S. as a leader in global advanced energy development. 

To quantify this job growth in 2023, Advanced Energy United analyzed five major industry segments, including Advanced Electricity Generation, Advanced Grid & Energy Storage, Energy Efficiency, EVs, and Transmission and Distribution, and developed both national and state-specific fact sheets for 14 states as resources for decision-makers.

Our analysis finds that, in 2023, advanced energy employment nationwide increased by 4%, more than double the growth rate of the U.S. labor market overall. Advanced energy jobs surged from 2022 to 2023, with 4.1 million U.S. workers now working in the sector. Some of these gains were driven by the early impact of tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Nationwide, EV (plug-in hybrid, electric, and fuel cell vehicles) jobs saw a 10% jump, while jobs in advanced energy generation (renewable energy and nuclear power) saw 4.5% growth from 2022 to 2023. The clean energy sector has also seen a manufacturing boom with over 800 facilities announced since 2021.

Some other findings from the state fact sheets include: 

  • In California, there are more jobs in advanced energy than in hospitals and crop production combined. 
  • Advanced energy employs 6x as many Texans as does oil and gas extraction and 4x as many as chemical manufacturing. 
  • Arizona employs nearly twice as many people in advanced energy jobs as in hospitality. 
  • Advanced energy employs over 200,000 in Florida, offering 3x as many jobs as in agriculture and fishing industries. 
  • In Connecticut, there are more advanced energy jobs than in the insurance and real estate industries combined. 

This growth of advanced energy employment offers numerous benefits. Advanced energy workers are driving a transformation of the U.S. electric grid, while helping to keep electric bills manageable and affordable for local communities. This workforce is bringing local, low-cost, and zero-emissions energy sources online to power the growing U.S. economy, expanding critical transmission infrastructure to increase grid resilience, and innovating to keep the U.S. energy sector globally competitive.

As a national business trade association dedicated to achieving 100% clean energy in America, United works to expand market opportunities for our member companies leading the energy transition and creating career opportunities. We look forward to continuing to work with decision-makers at every level of government and regulators of energy markets to achieve this goal and ensure job growth in advanced energy continues to increase for years to come.

To learn more about advanced energy employment growth seen in 2023, download our 2024 advanced energy employment fact sheets here.

Download the fact sheets

Topics: Advanced Energy Employment, Insights and Analysis, Economic Impact, Advanced Energy United



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