Credit Where Credit is Due: Accrediting Reliability Value in Wholesale Markets

Posted by Webinar on Aug 17, 2022 9:19:28 AM

Recorded on August 16, 2022

The clean energy transition is dramatically shifting the electric generation technologies used to meet demand and reliably operate the grid. Rapid cost declines in advanced energy technologies like wind, solar, and energy storage make them increasingly competitive choices for new generation additions, especially as fuel costs for traditional resources go up. While there has been considerable attention devoted to determining the reliability value of wind, solar, and energy storage, the methods used to evaluate the resource adequacy, or capacity value, of conventional thermal generating resources have not been formally reexamined or updated in decades. 

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Webinar, Jeff Dennis

FERC 2222: Will Distributed Energy Sources Get Full Market Access?

Posted by Webinar on Jun 8, 2022 8:57:01 AM

Recorded on June 6, 2022

A year and a half ago, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order 2222, which directed the grid operators under its jurisdiction (RTOs/ISOs) to remove all barriers to participation in their wholesale markets for aggregations of distributed energy resources (DERs). Since then, all seven RTOs and ISOs have submitted plans to FERC showing what they will do to comply. Are these gatekeepers of markets going to allow DERs to compete for all the services they are technically capable of providing — or do barriers still remain?

In this webinar, recorded live on June 6, 2022, industry experts discuss the breakthroughs in — and shortcomings of — the various plans to let DERs break into wholesale markets and provide value to both DER owners and the grid, including discussion of some of the key challenges that have emerged through the stakeholder process, such as locational requirements, addressing double counting, and setting metering and telemetry requirements.  

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Topics: Utility, Regulatory, Wholesale Markets, Webinar

DERs in Wholesale Markets and on the Distribution Network: What Needs to Happen?

Posted by Webinar on Mar 8, 2022 5:49:59 PM

Recorded on March 8, 2022

FERC Order 2222 directed regional grid operators to open their wholesale markets to distributed energy resources (DERs) but that will take more than action by RTOs/ISOs. Distribution utilities and their state regulators also have big roles to play in realizing all the benefits of distributed resources for customers and the power grid. In this webinar, which drew on FERC Order No 2222 Implementation: Preparing the Distribution System for DER Participation in Wholesale Markets, a report from AEE and GridLab, utility executives and DER companies explored what needs to happen locally to unlock the value of DERs at the grid edge.

Presented by AEE, GridLab, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), and the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO).

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Topics: Utility, Regulatory, Wholesale Markets, Webinar

Getting Value and Opportunity Out of DERs in Wholesale Markets

Posted by Webinar on Oct 25, 2021 11:30:50 AM

Recorded on October 19, 2021

One year has passed since FERC issued the long-awaited Order No. 2222, opening up wholesale energy markets operated by RTOs/ISOs to aggregations of distributed energy resources (DERs). Now RTOs/ISOs across the country are creating market rules to comply with Order No. 2222 and unleash the value of these resources. Hear from a panel of industry leaders as they discuss real-world examples of actual DER aggregation projects that advanced energy businesses hope to pursue for customers in the near term and highlight key issues confronting RTOs/ISOs and stakeholders as they prepare to put Order No. 2222 into action.

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Topics: Federal Policy, Wholesale Markets

Search for Resilience: Texas Blackouts, Policy Fallout, and How Advanced Energy Can Help

Posted by Webinar on Mar 24, 2021 1:35:00 PM

Recorded on March 24, 2021

The blackouts resulting from the record freeze in Texas are driving regulators and lawmakers in Texas and around the country to search for answers:

How can we keep the lights on when severe weather strikes?

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Topics: PUCs, Wholesale Markets, Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance, Texas