Moving States Toward 100% Clean Energy

Posted by Webinar on Dec 17, 2021 9:03:38 AM

Recorded on November 18, 2021

While all eyes are on Washington, D.C., progress toward 100% clean energy continues to surge in the states. In 2021, AEE was involved in big legislative wins in three states — California, Colorado, and Virginia — that will move the ball toward that goal and create market opportunity for advanced energy companies. How did it get done? In this on-demand webinar, hear from decision makers who shepherded landmark legislation that made their states national leaders this year. 

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Topics: State Policy, California Engagement, Year in Review, Virginia, Webinar, Economic Impact, Colorado

The Power of Now: Keeping California in the EV Driver's Seat

Posted by Webinar on May 13, 2021 4:02:00 PM

Recorded on May 13, 2021

California dominates the U.S. electric transportation (ET) industry, with the ET workforce in the state expected to nearly double by 2024.

As global demand and competition from new entrants grows, what needs to be done to keep California on the leading edge?

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Topics: State Policy, California Engagement, Advanced Transportation

2015 CA Legislative Session Wrap-up: Impacts and implications for the advanced energy industry

Posted by Webinar on Sep 24, 2015 2:51:00 PM

Recorded on September 24, 2015

In this webinar our team of Capitol insiders discuss what took place during the 2015 legislative session and what it means for advanced energy in California.

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Topics: State Policy, California Engagement