Building an Advanced Energy Economy, State by State

Posted by Webinar on Feb 8, 2022 6:21:25 PM

Recorded on February 8, 2022

With the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Congress committed billions of dollars to the deployment of advanced energy technologies, products, and services. Now it’s time for states to tap the various programs and funding channels made available by the legislation, as well as those that may come to fruition through further climate legislation, to build their own advanced energy economies from the ground up. In this webinar, federal and state officials, as well as industry executives, discussed how states around the country can get the most out of accelerating the energy transition – for customers, workers, communities, and the economy. 

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Topics: State Policy, Webinar, Economic Impact, Leah Rubin Shen, Federal Priorities

Moving States Toward 100% Clean Energy

Posted by Webinar on Dec 17, 2021 9:03:38 AM

Recorded on November 18, 2021

While all eyes are on Washington, D.C., progress toward 100% clean energy continues to surge in the states. In 2021, AEE was involved in big legislative wins in three states — California, Colorado, and Virginia — that will move the ball toward that goal and create market opportunity for advanced energy companies. How did it get done? In this on-demand webinar, hear from decision makers who shepherded landmark legislation that made their states national leaders this year. 

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Topics: State Policy, California Engagement, Year in Review, Virginia, Webinar, Economic Impact, Colorado

Carpe Diem: Can the U.S. Seize the Day in EV Manufacturing?

Posted by Webinar on Oct 25, 2021 11:10:45 AM

Recorded on September 30, 2021

Electrification is transforming the automotive industry: traditional automakers are retooling their factories and supply chains to build electric vehicles (EVs), while startups are taking EV production to new states like California, Nevada, and Arizona. Opportunity abounds for new companies, new workers, and new locations to get into the game. But what policies are needed to make sure this transition to EVs is a success for both businesses and workers? In this webinar, recorded live on September 30, 2021, U.S. Representative Donald McEachin and a panel of industry and labor experts weighed in on the prospects for U.S. dominance of the global EV market.

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Topics: Advanced Energy Employment, Economic Impact, Electric Vehicles, Federal Priorities

Made in America: Advanced Energy and the Opportunity for American Manufacturing

Posted by Webinar on Aug 5, 2021 9:48:00 AM

Recorded on August 5, 2021

Advanced energy is a $240 billion industry in the U.S., and under infrastructure and clean energy proposals now before Congress, it stands to grow. But, with globalized supply chains, will this growth translate to jobs and expansion in American manufacturing?

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Topics: Advanced Energy Employment, Economic Impact, Federal Priorities