Credit Where Credit is Due: Accrediting Reliability Value in Wholesale Markets

Posted by Webinar on Aug 17, 2022 9:19:28 AM

Recorded on August 16, 2022

The clean energy transition is dramatically shifting the electric generation technologies used to meet demand and reliably operate the grid. Rapid cost declines in advanced energy technologies like wind, solar, and energy storage make them increasingly competitive choices for new generation additions, especially as fuel costs for traditional resources go up. While there has been considerable attention devoted to determining the reliability value of wind, solar, and energy storage, the methods used to evaluate the resource adequacy, or capacity value, of conventional thermal generating resources have not been formally reexamined or updated in decades. 

Putting in place more accurate methodologies would improve incentives for generators to take steps to improve their accredited value, add new incentives for demand response and flexible load to enter the market, and send a signal for inefficient and poor performing thermal generators to retire, all of which can lower the total costs for capacity that customers pay to ensure reliability. 

This webinar, recorded live on August 16, 2022, examines how existing capacity accreditation methodologies fail to capture some reliability risks faced by traditional resources and explores new methodologies to establish a level playing field for diverse supply resources in centralized capacity markets. 


  • Kevin Carden | Astrapé Consulting

  • Kathleen Spees | The Brattle Group

  • Marji Philips | LS Power
    Strategic Research Analyst  

  • Zander Bischof | Cypress Creek Renewables
    Director of Analysis, Policy & Strategy

  • Jeff Dennis | Advanced Energy Economy (Moderator)
    Managing Director and General Counsel

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