How Service-Based Alternatives to Capital Investments Can Benefit Consumers and Utility

Posted by Webinar on Mar 8, 2018 2:59:00 PM

Recorded on March 8, 2018

Throughout the economy, companies are finding efficiencies and operational benefits through services provided by third parties instead of physical assets they own and manage. However, under prevailing cost-of-service regulation, electric utilities may be discouraged from using such services, since they do not generate profits the way that investments in capital assets do. 

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Topics: Utility

When Services look like Capital Investments: Leveling the Playing Field for Technology in Utility Procurement

Posted by Webinar on Feb 23, 2017 1:07:00 PM

Recorded on February 23, 2017

Across the economy, advances in the "as-a-service" economy are bringing new efficiency and agility to business operations. No exception, advanced energy technologies are increasingly delivered through service contracts, rather than being purchased outright. As utilities deploy more of these services to support customer service and efficient operations, they will need new ways to account for such investments in their business planning.

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Topics: Utility

How Do Electric Utilities Make Money? The times they are a-changin’.

Posted by Webinar on Jul 14, 2016 2:12:00 PM

Recorded on July 14, 2016

There have been a lot of discussions around the country of late about the regulatory changes needed to create a 21st century electricity system. New regulatory approaches and utility business models are needed to integrate higher levels of distributed energy resources, take advantage of new technologies, meet environmental goals, and address changing customer needs and expectations. In an industry that has been slow to change historically, there is a lot at stake for utilities, advanced energy companies, and consumers.  In order to understand what transformations are needed, it’s first necessary to understand how electric utilities make money today.

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Topics: Utility

The Inside Scoop: Alignment in NY on DER Compensation Between Several Solar Companies and Joint Utilities

Posted by Webinar on May 17, 2016 2:20:00 PM

Recorded on May 17, 2016

This webinar discusses two recent New York Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) filings on the value of Distributed Energy Resources (DER).  One focuses on the alignment achieved between several solar companies and New York utilities (the Solar Progress Partnership) on the Successor to Net Energy Metering, and the other provides an overview of AEE Institutes’ value of DER filing. We will also provide highlights about AEE Institute’s recent filing on DER in California.

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Topics: Utility