How Service-Based Alternatives to Capital Investments Can Benefit Consumers and Utility

Posted by Webinar on Mar 8, 2018 2:59:00 PM

Recorded on March 8, 2018

Throughout the economy, companies are finding efficiencies and operational benefits through services provided by third parties instead of physical assets they own and manage. However, under prevailing cost-of-service regulation, electric utilities may be discouraged from using such services, since they do not generate profits the way that investments in capital assets do. 

In this webinar, regulatory mechanisms for encouraging utilities to pursue service-based solutions for distributed energy resources and cloud computing without reducing value to shareholders are presented and discussed, drawing on the AEE Institute's new report, Utility Earnings in a Service-Oriented World.


  • Marisa UchinVice President, Global Regulatory Affairs, Oracle - Utilities Global Business Unit

  • Ted Ko, Director of Policy, Stem

  • Danny Waggoner, Senior Manager, Regulatory Transformation, Advanced Energy Economy

  • Ryan Katofsky, Vice President, Industry Analysis, Advanced Energy Economy. (moderator)

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