Publish Date: June 9, 2021
This report outlines multiple use cases, each illustrating the benefits Order 2222 can unlock and how aggregated DER participation in wholesale markets can benefit everyone.
Publish Date: June 9, 2021
This report outlines multiple use cases, each illustrating the benefits Order 2222 can unlock and how aggregated DER participation in wholesale markets can benefit everyone.
Topics: Wholesale Markets
Publish Date: June 1, 2021
AEE's State Employment Fact sheets demonstrate in 14 states that the advanced energy industry was a major employer at the end of 2020, had a base of growth in the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and had employers projecting job growth in 2021 ranging from 6% to 8%.
Topics: State Policy, Advanced Energy Employment
Publish Date: April 26, 2021
This analysis is useful in highlighting some industries that may benefit from increased demand for their products driven by the rise in ET.
Topics: Advanced Transportation
Publish Date: April 16, 2021
The 2021 National Jobs Fact Sheet highlights the latest employment data, anticipated growth trends, and industry comparisons across the entire Advanced Energy Industry. Despite setbacks from COVID-19, the industry employs 3.2 million U.S. workers, more than Food & Beverage Stores and twice as many as Commercial Banks.
Topics: Advanced Energy Employment
Publish Date: April 13, 2021
Advanced Energy Economy engaged BW Research Partnership to examine the economic and job potential related to the development of the Electric Transportation (ET) industry in California, focusing on opportunities for businesses and workers to become involved in the automotive supply chain as the industry goes electric.
This report helps illuminate the current state of the ET economy in California, underscoring the current strengths, challenges, and opportunities as the sector continues to grow — the power of the present opportunity, the power of EVs, the power of now.
Publish Date: April 9, 2021
This report looks at these opportunities and discusses the current state of the ET economy in Illinois, highlighting several strengths, challenges, and opportunities.
Topics: Advanced Transportation
Publish Date: April 1, 2021
Two new papers prepared for Advanced Energy Economy by The Brattle Group highlight the importance of energy efficiency participation as a supply-side resource in capacity markets generally, and offer recommendations to make best use of energy efficiency for resource adequacy in the MISO market specifically.
Topics: Wholesale Markets
Publish Date: March 25, 2021
Global and U.S. Market Revenue 2011-20 and Key Trends in Advanced Energy Growth
This report highlights advanced energy revenue in the following areas:
Publish Date: March 19, 2021
The existing capacity market constructs in PJM, ISO-NE, and NYISO do not account for state commitments and customer preferences for renewable or no-carbon resources, or the declining costs of advanced energy technologies. Indeed, existing capacity market rules can prevent or hamper clean energy-producing resources from clearing in the capacity market and counting toward resource adequacy needs. The result is a problematic and increasingly costly trend of divorcing the procurement of capacity to address resource adequacy needs from the procurement of clean energy needed to meet state and consumer demands. As clean energy demands continue to grow, this status quo will not be sustainable.
Topics: Wholesale Markets
Publish Date: January 25, 2021
AEE experts share specific policy priorities as the federal government considers economic stimulus and explain how investments in advanced energy technologies can deliver immediate economic stimulus and growth in good-paying jobs for workers across the country.
Topics: Federal Priorities