Publish Date: February 24, 2016
A Performance-Based Approach to Allowance Allocation for Clean Power Plan Compliance
Topics: Federal Priorities
Publish Date: February 5, 2016
Advanced energy is a $1.4 trillion global industry, as big as fashion, twice the size of airlines, and close to worldwide spending on media and entertainment.
The U.S. advanced energy market is now $200 billion, nearly double the revenue of beer, more than pharmaceutical manufacturing, and approaching wholesale consumer electronics. Solar PV revenue grew 21% over last year, wind was up 75%, building efficiency grew 11%, and energy storage multiplied over 10 times year-to-year.
Michigan Market Brief: Corporate Market for Renewable Energy
Publish Date: January 28, 2016
A growing majority of the world’s largest corporations have set sustainability targets that involve increased utilization of renewable energy.
These companies have realized that renewable energy investments have a positive impact on the bottom line because they offer a fixed-priced, long-term power supply that protects against rising electricity costs. Meeting these corporations’ sustainability targets will require thousands of additional megawatts (MW) of renewable energy, and represents a tremendous market opportunity.
Topics: State Policy
AEE Comments on the Proposed Federal Plan & Model Trading Rules
Publish Date: January 26, 2016
AEE submitted comments on the Proposed Federal Plan and Model Trading Rules, which are intended to ensure that the Clean Power Plan sends a uniform market signal across the country and facilitates state planning.
AEE supports EPA’s use of market-based trading in both mass- and rate-based compliance plans. However, AEE believes that certain elements of each plan type as proposed will impede the deployment of cost-effective advanced energy measures.
Topics: Federal Priorities
Publish Date: January 8, 2016
This Is Advanced Energy profiles 52 distinct technologies and services that make up advanced energy today: how they work, how they are currently deployed, and how they are changing our energy system.
Across the country, these technologies are being used to lower costs for consumers, improve reliability and resilience, offer more customer choice and control, and increase market competition.
Publish Date: January 5, 2016
AEE welcomes the concept of the Clean Energy Incentive Program as a tool to accelerate the deployment of advanced energy.
If implemented to its full potential, the program would be a step toward modernizing the U.S. electric power system while expediting emission reductions and lowering the cost of compliance.
Topics: Federal Priorities
Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Illinois
Publish Date: December 11, 2015
Topics: State Policy
Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Virginia
Publish Date: December 3, 2015
"Modeling Low Cost Approaches to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Virginia" shows that implementing EPA's Clean Power Plan could have minimal impact on electricity costs in Virginia, and even provide savings for ratepayers, compared with projected energy costs in 2030. Those are the findings of multiple scenarios run through STEER, a new analytic tool developed for the Advanced Energy Economy Institute and applied to Virginia-specific data.
Topics: State Policy
North Carolina Market Brief: Corporate Market for Renewable Energy
Publish Date: November 30, 2015
A majority of the nation’s largest companies have set corporate targets that involve increased utilization of renewable energy and energy efficiency. While targets vary from company to company, one thing is true across the board: Meeting them has to make economic sense.
Happily, as many companies have already discovered, investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency has a positive impact on the bottom line. Energy efficiency lowers energy use, thereby reducing costs; renewable energy offers stably-priced, long-term supply that protects against rising electricity costs.
Topics: State Policy
Modeling a Low-cost Approach to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Arkansas
Publish Date: November 13, 2015
"Modeling Low Cost Approaches to Clean Power Plan Compliance for Arkansas" shows that implementing EPA's Clean Power Plan could have minimal impact on electricity costs in Arkansas, and even provide savings for ratepayers, compared with projected energy costs in 2030. Those are the findings of multiple scenarios run through STEER, a new analytic tool developed for the Advanced Energy Economy Institute and applied to Arkansas-specific data.
Topics: State Policy