Unlocking America’s Energy: How to Efficiently Connect New Generation to the Grid

Posted by Reports on Aug 27, 2024 7:55:00 AM

Publish Date: August 27, 2024

The “Generator Interconnection” process has taken center stage in energy policy debates in recent years, emerging as a key barrier to bringing new, cost-effective resources online to meet growing demand, maintain reliability, and ensure affordable electricity for customers. Last year, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released Order No. 2023, directing transmission providers to improve their interconnection processes, primarily by instituting a first-ready first-served cluster study process, increased readiness requirements for interconnection projects, and firm deadlines for study completion. Though Order No. 2023 set a critical foundation, more can be done to make the interconnection process as efficient and expedited as possible.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets

Moving the Needle on Distributed Energy Resources and Virtual Power Plants in Nevada

Posted by Reports on Jul 23, 2024 1:52:30 PM

Publish Date: July 23, 2024

Resource planning is becoming more complex for Nevada utilities. Growing electricity demand is putting pressure on Nevada’s grid. New variable renewable energy is changing how the grid operates. Increasingly frequent extreme weather threatens the safety and performance of electric infrastructure. Nevada needs low-cost, flexible solutions to help manage the grid and maintain reliability in the face of these pressures.

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Topics: Nevada, Distributed Energy Resources

State-Level Siting and Permitting Reform Policy Principles

Posted by Reports on Jul 8, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Publish Date: July 1, 2024

This document outlines key policy principles that decisionmakers and stakeholders should consider when reforming state policy frameworks that govern the siting and permitting processes of large scale renewable and energy storage projects.

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Topics: State Policy, Permitting and Siting

Regulatory Approaches for a Cost-Effective Gas Transition: Ratemaking, Incentives, and Other Tools

Posted by Reports on Jun 11, 2024 12:28:03 PM

Publish Date: June 11, 2024

The regulated gas distribution network is undergoing significant transformation due to a combination of market and policy forces. Increasingly, cost-competitive electric heating solutions are leading to decreased gas throughputs in many jurisdictions — a trend expected to accelerate as federal incentives for heating electrification and ambitious state and local climate goals take effect.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization

On the Road to Fleet Electrification: A Framework for Estimating Distribution System Impacts of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Electrification

Posted by Reports on May 6, 2024 5:21:42 PM

Publish Date: May 6, 2024

Large-scale Medium- and Heavy-Duty vehicle (MHDV) electrification has the potential to put downward pressure on electric utility rates, provide valuable grid services, save money for fleet owners, and reduce pollution and GHG emissions. Preparing our electric grid and building the electrical capacity to power our transportation sector will be one of the largest logistical and public policy challenges over the next decade and one of the most valuable infrastructure investments we’ve made in generations. 

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Topics: Advanced Transportation, Pennsylvania, Illinois