Valuing Distributed Energy Resources in ERCOT

Posted by Webinar on Jan 27, 2020 12:45:00 PM

Recorded on January 27, 2020

Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance (TAEBA) recently released a new report that
showed electricity customers across the state could save $5.47 billion by using distributed
energy resources (DERs) like solar energy, energy storage, efficiency, and electric vehicles
to reduce the need for more costly peak power generation and transmission and distribution
investments. The report quantified the value of integrating DERs into transmission and
distribution planning and allowed them to participate in existing wholesale markets.

View the recording to learn more about the report’s key findings:

  • The adoption of DERs is expanding at a rapid pace and represents a significant
    resource that is, for the most part, not directly incorporated into the ERCOT energy
    market supply stack.

  • Transmission and distribution (T&D) infrastructure expansion due to peak load
    growth can be reduced, deferred, or avoided by DERs that either inject power locally
    or reduce demand (“non-wires solutions”).

  • By prolonging the use of existing, functional T&D infrastructure by integrating DERs,
    Texas customers can save up to $2.45 billion over 10 years.

  • Adding 1,000 MW of DER resources that deliver during critical peak demand hours
    can decrease electricity costs for Texas consumers by $3.02 billion over 10 years.

  • In total, better integrating DERs into the Texas grid can save Texans $5.47 billion over 10 years.

The new report, “The Value of Integrating Distributed Energy Resources in
Texas,” produced for TAEBA by Demand Side Analytics, can be downloaded here.


  • Josh Bode, Partner & Principal, Demand Side Analytics

  • Suzanne Bertin, Managing Director, TAEBA
Fill out the form on the right to view the recording. 

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance