Sharpen Your Legislative Strategy with PowerSuite Forecasts

Posted by Webinar on Oct 25, 2016 1:56:00 PM

Recorded on October 25, 2016

Understanding the dozens and dozens of variables that contribute to a bill being enacted is a large undertaking. Bill outcome forecasting has only been considered possible by a small group of experts that have decades of experience with the political process. While human insight is still a crucial component, it is impossible for one person or even an entire organization to keep track of and understand the rapid changes that occur throughout the legislative process.

Working with Microsoft’s Azure machine learning platform, AEE has applied the science of predictive analytics to a rich data set of federal and state legislation on our PowerSuite platform. The result is a forecast that predicts the likelihood that a bill will be enacted that automatically adapts from introduction of bill to the end of the legislative process. In 2016, PowerSuite correctly predicted the outcome of legislation with 87% accuracy.

This webinar shows you how to focus your efforts on bills with the greatest chances of success, as well as improving the prospects of bills that face an uphill climb.

Fill out the form on the right to view the recording. 

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