Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement: Does it Help or Hurt Everyone Else?

Posted by Webinar on Sep 27, 2017 3:50:00 PM

Recorded on September 27, 2017

Corporate renewable energy is a growing trend—but is it also a growing threat for other customers, or is there room for everyone to benefit? This webinar hosted by AEE will feature three perspectives on how utility renewable energy offerings can work for both participating corporate customers and nonparticipating ratepayers. 


  • World Resources Institute will provide an overview of the latest trends and developments in utility renewable energy tariffs ("green tariffs") across the country.

  • AEE Institute will present the findings of a recent paper focused on how to design these programs such that nonparticipants are not adversely impacted.

  • Washington utilities commissioner Ann Rendahl will discuss recent decisions in approving Puget Sound Energy’s Green Direct tariff (allowing large-scale energy customers to subscribe to a slice of a utility-scale renewable energy project) and a special contract with Microsoft (allowing the company to directly purchase energy to power its Redmond, WA campus).

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