NERC's Clean Power Plan 'Phase I' Reliability Assessment: A Critique

Posted by Reports on May 1, 2015 2:21:00 PM

Publish Date: May 1, 2015

On April 21, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) released its “Phase I” assessment of the reliability impacts of EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). The Phase I report is a follow-up to NERC’s Initial Reliability Review, and NERC indicates there will be more to come. This is in keeping with NERC’s vital role in informing policymakers and grid operators about issues in maintaining reliable electric service across the country.

This white paper provides a critique of the Phase I reliability assessment and suggests ways future assessments can be improved. 

The Phase I modeling of the Clean Power Plan projects an electric power system of tomorrow that is inconsistent with the technology and market trends of today, let alone the future. Taking into account a more likely result of ongoing developments in the electric power sector, especially those that will be accelerated by the Clean Power Plan, the reliability concerns the Phase I report derives from its projections largely disappear.

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Topics: Federal Priorities