Design Principles for a Rate-Based Federal Plan Under EPA's Clean Power Plan

Posted by Reports on May 18, 2015 2:17:00 PM

Publish Date: May 18, 2015

This summer, the Environmental Protection Agency will release a draft Federal Plan to implement the Clean Power Plan in states that do not submit a satisfactory state plan. Some groups have argued that inclusion of advanced energy—even renewable energy and energy efficiency, which are both part of EPA’s calculation of state goals—is beyond EPA’s authority in a Federal Plan.

AEE’s white paper, Design Principles for a Rate-Based Federal Plan Under EPA’s Clean Power Plan, describes how the Federal Plan can use EPA’s jurisdiction over emitting power plants in combination with a voluntary rate-based credit trading system to incorporate both zero- and low-emission generation resources and demand-side resources.

While EPA has many options for including advanced energy in either a mass-based or rate-based Federal Plan, this white paper outlines a fair and simple way to ensure that states have access to a full range of cost-effective compliance options under a rate-based Federal Plan.

Please complete the form to download the white paper.

Topics: Federal Priorities