Advanced Energy United News

Washington Post (AP): Walmart stuck with Dominion, setting up potential fight

Written by Alan Suderman | Feb 26, 2019

This story by Alan Suderman of the Associated Press and published by the Washington Post covers the aftermath of Virginia regulators’ decision to deny Walmart the option of buying electricity from a provider other than Virginia’s two utilities, Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power. The AEE perspective is given by Harry Godfrey, executive director of Virginia Advanced Energy Economy. See excerpts below and read the entire Washington Post (AP) story here:

Virginia regulators have denied Walmart’s request to buy electricity generated by someone other than the state’s two largest electric monopolies, setting up a potential legislative brawl between heavyweight business interests.

The State Corporate Commission issued an order Monday denying Walmart’s request to stop buying electricity from Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power. Dominion is the state’s largest electric utility and a major force in Virginia politics. Walmart is the state’s second largest employer and one of the biggest companies in the world.

Virginia is one of a handful of states with electric monopolies where customers can also shop around under certain circumstances. Walmart wanted to aggregate its stores’ total electric usage in order to meet the threshold needed under state law in order to buy its energy on the open market. Several other major companies have filed similar requests, including Target, Costco, and Albertsons, which now appear doomed after the Walmart ruling…

“This ruling heightens the importance of legislation to secure the right of consumers to access cleaner, and more affordable energy,” said Harry Godfrey, executive director Virginia Advanced Energy Economy, a business coalition that advocates for greater energy choice…

See the complete Washington Post (AP) story here. The story was also published by the Miami Herald here, the Kentucky Lexington Herald-Leader here, covered by the Richmond Times Dispatch, and numerous other news outlets.