Advanced Energy United News

Dominion Doubles Down on Fossil Fuels in Integrated Resource Plan

Written by Savannah Gribbins | Oct 16, 2024

Dominion Energy’s newly filed Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) sidesteps Virginia’s clean energy requirements by relying heavily on fossil fuel generation through 2039

RICHMOND, VA – Despite Virginia's ambitious clean energy mandates under the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA), Dominion has proposed adding nearly 6 gigawatts of new methane gas generation, while failing to prioritize the renewable investments necessary to meet the state's goals. National business association Advanced Energy United criticized the approach. 

"Dominion Energy’s latest IRP is a step in the wrong direction. Instead of harnessing the potential of advanced energy to more reliably and cost-effectively meet Virginia’s growing energy needs and clean energy goals, this plan threatens to keep the state dependent on fossil fuels for decades,” said Shawn Kelly, a Director at Advanced Energy United. “Dominion is missing a critical opportunity to lead Virginia’s clean energy transition, protect households and businesses from rising costs, and provide more resilient clean energy solutions for all Virginians."

The plan now moves to the State Corporation Commission for review.