Advanced Energy United News

Sun Sentinel (Opinion): For Florida to Cash in on Solar, FPL’s SolarTogether is Just a Start

Written by Dylan Reed | Apr 14, 2020

Sun Sentinel published an opinion piece by AEE's Dylan Reed detailing the opportunity for solar energy in Florida building on FPL's new customer option and featuring AEE's Opportunities for Meeting C&I Demand for Renewable Energy in Florida report. Read excerpts below and the entire Sun Sentinel piece here. 

Across the nation, companies are calling for greater access to renewable energy to power their operations as part of corporate sustainability commitments. Historically, however, Florida has lagged behind other states with respect to options for corporate customers to purchase renewable energy. Just recently, Florida was ranked 48th in the country in providing options for businesses to power their operations with renewable energy. Other states offer numerous options for businesses to have access to renewable energy, including working directly with renewable energy developers to power their operations.

Unsurprisingly, states, where these options are available, have experienced the vast majority of renewable energy growth to meet demand from large consumers. As more companies commit to renewable energy, Florida would be smart to satisfy those commitments with development of new solar energy facilities within the state. Florida would benefit both by being more attractive to companies that want renewable energy and by gaining the investment and jobs that would come from renewable energy development.

A recent report commissioned by Advanced Energy Economy shows that over the next 10 years Florida could see up to 6,750-megawatts of renewable energy demand from businesses — equivalent to the amount needed to serve nearly 1 million homes. If Florida were to offer these businesses the opportunity to purchase renewable energy from in-state sources, the state could gain over $1 billion per year in investment and nearly 50,000 jobs by 2030...

Read the entire Sun Sentinel piece here.