Advanced Energy United News

Scripps News: Centerpoint Faces Backlash in Texas Amid Extended Outages After Hurricane Beryl

Written by Christian Bryant & Chris Nguyen | Jul 12, 2024

Matt Boms of Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance (TAEBA), Advanced Energy United's Texas entity, is interviewed live on Scripps News' The National Report on July 12 about the impacts Hurricane Beryl had on the Texas power grid. Boms makes the case that Texas utilities should be relying less on centralized power plants and more on distributed resources, like rooftop solar and other aggregated resources, to improve resiliency in the face of extreme weather like hurricanes.

"This should be an 'aha' moment that we need a major shift in how we build out our energy system," said Matt Boms, Executive Director at TAEBA, live on Scripps News' The National Report. "Relying solely on a centralized grid leaves us vulnerable. But if we diversify with solar, batteries, and microgrids, then we're creating a more resilient [energy system] where power outages are shorter and less impactful."

Watch the full interview below.