RTO Insider presented a comprehensive summary of the Aug. 4 ISO-NE Future Grid Study stakeholder meeting noting AEE's recommendations. Read excerpts below and the entire RTO Insider piece here (sub. req.).
The New England States Committee on Electricity suggested ISO-NE build on the Pathway Scenario developed by the Northeastern States for Coordinated Air Use Management for achieving economy-wide carbon reductions. ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie announced the initiative in March, saying it will give stakeholders information needed to plan transmission and market designs to achieve decarbonization goals. Representatives of each stakeholder group gave brief descriptions of their proposals and answered questions during a joint meeting of the NEPOOL Markets and Reliability committees...
NEPOOL members are trying to cull and combine nine proposals for the Transition to the Future Grid study that ISO-NE has agreed to perform. ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie announced the initiative in March, saying it will give stakeholders information needed to plan transmission and market designs to achieve decarbonization goals. Representatives of each stakeholder group gave brief descriptions of their proposals and answered questions during a joint meeting of the NEPOOL Markets and Reliability committees Aug. 4...
Day Pitney attorney Eric Runge presented a summary of the nine other proposals... Multi-sector Group A (Acadia Center, Advanced Energy Economy, Brookfield Renewables, Conservation Law Foundation, Energy New England, Natural Resource Defense Council and PowerOptions) asked for an update and extension of the Planning Advisory Committee’s 2016 economic study on regulation, ramping and reserves to assess the impact of ramping, regulation and load-following resources as the system decarbonizes.
Read the entire RTO Insider piece here (sub. req.).